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FSAI Evaluates Government Regulations In The Dairy Industry.

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The evaluation of controls in the Irish dairy sector has identified both effective and deficient aspects in the system. The audit, conducted by a division of the Department of Agriculture, Food and the Marine (DAFM), encompassed official controls within the dairy production chain, involving eleven businesses audited from August to November 2022. The Food Safety Authority of Ireland (FSAI) scrutinized the appropriateness and effectiveness of controls implemented by other agencies.

During onsite audits at a small-scale and a very small-scale company, the audit team observed ineffective official controls and inadequate assessment of compliance against food law. In response, compliance notices were issued to both firms by the DAFM unit. The very small-scale company lacked a food safety management system and associated records on the audit day, partially demonstrating one-step forward traceability but lacking one-step-back traceability, as required by EU legislation.

In another instance, heightened controls in a specific region uncovered non-compliances with food law by DAFM at one company between 2021 and 2022. Compliance notices were issued, with four still in effect at the time of the audit. Official controls on downgraded cheese triggered a RASFF alert due to the unauthorized placement of unfit cheese on the market. Non-compliance with food law during an audit resulted in the disposal of almost 4.5 tons of cheese as a Category 2 Animal By-Product (ABP). Further, 42 tons of product were disposed of as Category 2 ABP after a stock review at the cheese processor’s establishment. Subsequent FSAI audits in another region revealed additional unfit products stored or consolidated by this company, leading to further disposals.

While official controls effectively identified non-compliance, auditors noted that actions taken did not prevent further occurrences. Findings from 11 FSAI audits prompted enforcement actions by the DAFM division on four firms, with pre-existing actions continuing on a fifth.

The audit team also assessed the DAFM’s performance, revealing numerous non-compliances. In 2021, not all establishments under the DAFM division were risk-assessed, and the official control plan was outdated and incomplete. Storage and distribution sites for cheese re-packaging were not all risk-assessed or approved in 2021 and 2022, despite re-packing cessation in all three sites since September 2022.

There were three missed official controls in 2021 for cheese handling and re-packaging, and three controls were omitted in the 2022 plan. Inaccurate scores for certain parameters led to a change in the risk rating of three establishments.

Concerns were raised about the prolonged approval or registration of establishments despite operational cessation or proposed suspensions. Since early 2022, additional resources have been allocated to enhance the management and control of suspensions and revocations.

Source: Food Safety News

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