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Slovakia Faces Risks Due to “Fragmented” Food Control System

  • Reading time:1 mins read

Slovakia’s official food control system is deemed partially effective due to fragmented controls, undefined supervisory competencies, and insufficient communication between relevant authorities. Gray areas in control effectiveness and a lack of modern information-sharing systems have been identified.

The Supreme Audit Office of the Slovak Republic recommends a reevaluation of the country’s food control system, suggesting a move towards a unified body overseeing food controls to address current shortcomings and improve transparency.

The lack of a comprehensive view in the food safety supply chain, coupled with insufficient communication between agriculture and health departments, poses potential risks to the effectiveness of official food controls. The proposed integrated system aims for more systematic, transparent, and comprehensive performance to minimize areas of uncertainty or “gray zones” in food safety. In Cyprus, the State General Laboratory’s annual report highlights various control programs on foodstuffs, revealing compliance rates and instances of non-compliance with microbiological criteria, adulteration, and mislabeling in sampled products.

Source: Food Safety News

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