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Sweden Eases Recommendations For Listeria-Vulnerable Groups

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12The Swedish Food Agency (Livsmedelsverket) has recently updated its advice concerning Listeria in sliced fermented sausages and vegetarian sandwich toppings, particularly targeting vulnerable individuals such as pregnant women, the elderly, and those with compromised immune systems.

Formerly, it was recommended that individuals in these risk groups consume sliced fermented sausages within a week of the packaging date. However, the revised guidance now permits consumption of these products until their designated use-by date, provided they are stored according to the manufacturer’s instructions. This adjustment follows a risk assessment indicating that Listeria multiplication is slow or nonexistent in fermented sausages stored at temperatures between 4 and 8 degrees Celsius (39.2 to 46.4 degrees Fahrenheit), owing to their low pH and water activity levels.

Similarly, the updated advice extends to vegetarian sandwich toppings, allowing at-risk individuals to safely consume them until the use-by date. This measure is anticipated to reduce food waste and broaden dietary options for vulnerable consumers. A risk assessment revealed that Listeria growth is inhibited in most vegetarian toppings when stored at 4 or 8 degrees Celsius, attributed to their low pH and inclusion of preservatives like lactate, nitrite, or sorbate.

The Swedish Food Agency’s reassessment stems from growing inquiries, particularly from pregnant women, regarding the safety of consuming vegetarian sandwich toppings, coinciding with an increased interest in vegetarian and vegan diets. Notably, despite concerns in other countries, Sweden has not experienced any Listeria outbreaks or illnesses associated with vegetarian sandwich toppings.

In contrast to neighboring countries Denmark, Norway, and Finland, which advise consuming sliced meats promptly after purchase and within a shorter timeframe post-opening, the Swedish recommendations now align with a broader window of consumption, enhancing flexibility for at-risk groups.

While sliced cooked and smoked ham, turkey, and cooked sausages are still advised to be consumed within a week of packaging, or sufficiently heated if older, the updated guidance reflects a nuanced approach to food safety tailored to specific product characteristics and consumer needs.

Source: Food Safety news

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