Expert Witness Services

In the dynamic sphere of food safety and quality in the food industry, there are unending possibilities and causative risks factors for undesirable legal disputes, lawsuits or criminal charges. Fresh Group offers Expert Witness Services, providing you with experienced Food Scientists, Food Engineers, and Food Quality and Safety professionals who can serve as expert witnesses in legal cases related to food safety and quality compliance and due diligence defense cases.

Key Benefits


Legal Support

In-Depth Knowledge

Quality Assurance

Our Expert Witness Services:

Qualified Experts: Our team includes seasoned experts with in-depth knowledge of food science and engineering, food safety regulations, industry standards, and quality assurance. They are qualified to provide professional opinions and testimony in legal proceedings.

Case Assessment: We assess the specifics of your case, including reviewing documents, evidence, and legal requirements, to determine the expertise needed.

Expert Testimony: Our experts can provide clear and credible testimony in depositions, hearings, trials, and other legal proceedings, helping you build a strong case.

Reports and Documentation: We prepare comprehensive reports and documentation to support our expert testimony, ensuring that our opinions are well-documented and reliable.

Cross-Examination Preparation: Our experts are well-prepared for cross-examination and can effectively defend their expert opinions under scrutiny.

Benefits of Our Expert Witness Service:


Expert testimony enhances the credibility of your case and can be pivotal in achieving a favorable outcome.

Legal Support

We support your legal team in building a strong case and effectively presenting your position.

In-Depth Knowledge

Our experts bring a deep understanding of food safety and compliance issues, ensuring well-informed testimony.

Quality Assurance

Our experts can provide insights and recommendations for avoiding future legal issues and improving your quality assurance practices.

Get In Touch

Fresh Group food safety consulting is dedicated to helping you navigate legal challenges in the food industry.

Contact us today to discuss how our Expert Witness Services can be tailored to meet your specific legal needs and provide you with the expertise required for a successful case.

Your food safety and quality success is our priority.