Recall And Traceability

In the food industry, being prepared for unforeseen events like product recall is essential for ensuring the safety of consumers and the reputation of your brand. Fresh Group offers Recall and Traceability Management services, helping you establish efficient systems to track and manage your products and respond swiftly in the event of a food product recall.

Key Benefits

Legal Compliance

Consumer Safety

Brand Protection

Cost Reduction

Our Recall and Traceability Management Services:

Traceability Systems: We assist in setting up robust digital and non-digital forward and backward traceability systems that allow you to track the flow of products and materials at all stages of production and distribution, from farm to fork.

Product Coding and Labeling: We help you establish clear and accurate coding and labeling practices to facilitate traceability and recall procedures.

Recall Planning and Protocols: We work with your team to develop comprehensive recall plans and protocols, ensuring you are well-prepared to respond to product recalls.

Mock Recalls: Conducting mock recalls are valuable part of recall preparation. We help you plan and execute these exercises to assess your readiness for food product recall.

Communication Strategies: In the event of a recall, effective communication is essential. We assist in developing strategies for communicating with the public, regulatory agencies, and stakeholders.

Root Cause Analysis: Identifying the root causes of recall events is crucial to prevent their recurrence. We offer root cause analysis to address underlying issues.

Benefits of Our Recall and Traceability Management Service:

Legal Compliance

Our services help you meet regulatory requirements for traceability and recall, reducing the risk of legal issues.

Consumer Safety

Efficient traceability and recall procedures protect consumers by ensuring the swift removal of potentially unsafe products from the market.

Brand Protection

Effective recall management safeguards your brand reputation by demonstrating a commitment to safety and transparency.

Cost Reduction

Swift recall responses can minimize the financial impact of recall events.

Get In Touch

Fresh Group is dedicated to helping you implement effective recall and traceability systems to protect consumers and your brand.

Contact us today to discuss how our Recall and Traceability Management services can be customized to meet your unique needs and ensure the safety and quality of your products.

Your food safety and quality success is our commitment.